My last post touched on further development of model audit scripts with Dynamo. There was a desire to capture all of the valuable data collected as part of the audit, just running the audit as an issued state check is very useful but once the Excel spreadsheet used to present and record the results is closed all of the data is lost, furthermore there is additional data in the model which would be useful to capture. For example, c onsider comparing the data for the number of sheets in a model, a fairly broad measure of project complexity and the data showing hours worked from a company time-sheet database. This would allow for more accurate costing on similar future projects. There are countless similar metrics and with the advent of machine learning upon us capturing vast amounts of data now has never been more important. We don't yet know what uses there will be for this in years to come. In order to record the data it's necessary to connect dynamo to a databa
An important part of our BIM strategy is the validation and auditing of our BIM Geometry models. This has traditionally been a very analogue process of running through company standard compliance checklists and checking the model error logs for duplicate elements, view naming compliance, view template usage, imported linestyles..... yawn..... duplicate elements and so on. This process can easily take half a day and is therefore normally done at key model sharing stages. I wanted to resolve this, I believe every shared model should be audited for quality in order to minimise errors and part of our BIM delivery QA - enter Dynamo. Using the existing paper based checklists as guidance along with a wishlist of extra checks i'd like to conduct i set about creating the equivalent checks but all beautifully automated with Dynamo. This proved far easier and more intuitive than i thought, nodes already existed for many of the checks i wanted to do... "get the views... get t